Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Help Someone Overcome the Affects of Abuse

One must need to know these things when trying to over come the affects of abuse especially sexual abuse:

1. Evil is always stupid
- The brain tries to make sense of things, but evil doesn't make sense it's always stupid. You have to understand that what happened isn't going to make sense.

2. Abuse Hurts Spirits
- You're going to feel tarnished, dirty, and upset that these things happened, but know that these events don't break our spirits it just hurts them, but they can be healed.

3. Limited time...
- Realize that these things that happened to you are only a small portion of your life.
- Dwell on the good things that have happened in your life, not on the bad.
- Stay positive
- Write in your journal your feelings and the things that you have learned from your experiences. Don't just write the bad things, but the good things too. This will help you to remember all the good times when your having a bad day.

A random thought that isn't directly related to this, but is still related is that there is a difference between an apology and asking for forgiveness. Forgiveness is asking you to change how someone is reacting to a situation. Whereas an apology is changing yourself and really being sorry for your actions.

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