Saturday, February 25, 2012

Organized Time Makes for a Happy Family

For students and mothers who have to work this may be helpful information to you.
We need to learn how to value our time, organize it, and prioritize it. Every person has 168 hours per week, to figure out how much extra time per week we have we have to subtract from 168 hours the time we need for sleep every day, the time we spend at work, preparing for class, going to class, taking care of children, all of the important every day tasks that cannot be avoided. The total number of hours left is the time we have to work with. This is the time we have to organize it. I would encourage filling out a 3 day chart, documenting how you spend every half hour of those days to see where your time is going. Once you know where you time is going make a priority list of things that have to get done, should get done, and aren't as important, but would be nice to get done you could label these as categories A, B, and C. After you have accomplished this make a daily chart of every hour the things you'd like to do, first fill in the unavoidable things, the fill in the category "A" things, the things that need to be done. Then put in the B and C things. It is important that once we make this chart to stick to it. By doing this we will actually create more free time for ourselves and in the end be happier.

Now for stay at home mothers, I know we have a busy schedule and that we are always on duty, there is not very many hours a day in which we get to leave the house, and this way of organizing your life may not work because for you every minute of the day is full of these little distractions called children and that is our job, but for stay at home mothers instead of figuring out and prioritizing your lives, try figuring out how much time a day you waste on social media, blogs, facebook, and other things and then try to incorperate in your day more productive things. Don't take away complelty from the social media, but have control over how long you spend there. I think you'll be surprised how much time there really is to get things done.

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