Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why Mom's should stay home

Mother's are so important to growing children, even teenagers need their mothers. Something that I never told my mother, but that had a great impact on me is my memories of her being home when i got home from school. I remember my siblings and I would run to her and talk her ear off all at the same time, then we would go play. We talked about this fact in class, there is a 15 minute window of time right after children get home from school that they will tell you anything and everything that happened in their day. This is a crucial time for parents to figure out what's happening in their children's lives. Just have a snack ready for them and have them eat a snack while they tell you about their day, this can be precious time for you and your children, if you make it. When I got into high school, my littlest brother went to Kindergarten and my mother went to work, I hated coming home to an empty house. I wanted to tell me mom everything, but wouldn't feel like talking once she got home an hour later. Now that she has a job she is rushing to get dinner made, clean the house, and do all the tasks that she couldn't do while she was working. This, although isn't a bad thing, really had an impact on my life.
I think sometimes mothers feel like they have to work to afford their lives, but mothers working usually only make $1 or less an hour because of the cost of gas to get to work, childcare, and other extra expenses that come because mom is at work.
Having a mom at home makes all the difference. This work as a stay at home mom is not degrading, but is the most rewarding work, no other job can give the happiness that being a mom does.
Who do you want to be raising your children? A stranger who could be teaching your child great things, but will never be able to teach them the same things that mom can?
We have a responsibility to go against what the world says is appropriate and do what we know is best. To be at home with our family, this will bring the most help to the world, because greater stability in the nation first starts in the home.

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