Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Eternal Perspective Enriches our Dating Experiences

Dating is so important, yet it is taken so casually and lightly that it worries me. It makes me not want to date because I fear that I will make the wrong decision. If a boy can’t show me that he knows how to take initiative and come up with something more than group dates and movie watching then I don’t want to date him, however, not very many show that anymore so now I feel like I’ll never find someone that meets my standards. And that I’ll never be brave enough to date many people to find one that does meet my standards, because more often than not I find myself in bad situations because the guy doesn’t know how to communicate.
In this day in age there is too much hanging out and not enough 1 on 1 dating. There is too much movies and TV watching and not enough getting to know each other. There is too much kissing and other physical pleasure going on and not enough talking and building and emotional relationship. There is too much texting and not enough calling or in person conversations.
It is no wonder that we are in such times where divorce seems so eminent; we have forgotten how to date and court properly. People aren’t spending the time and energy that relationships need to flourish, or communicating properly because they haven’t changed any of their habits that they formed while dating/hanging out and as a result their marriages fail. However, if someone were too date properly and really get to know and spend time with their dating partner then they wouldn’t have to change any of those habits upon marriage because good habits will already be in place.
There was an activity that we did in class. We had to match up different dating ideas with certain qualities that might come out in doing that specific activity. This is important becuase if you don't get to knwo qualities like how they communicate with others, how they react around children, or how they trat their mothers. The list also has on there what their spiritual drive is, and how commited they are to the Lord, do they serve, are they emotionally stable, and have financial maturity. These are all things that one would want to see come out before you married this person. I truly believe that by doing creative, but meaningful acitivites that are for a purpose other than to just have fun it will be build incredibly strong, righteous relationships that I wouldn’t have to be scared of because I would know the other so well that there would be no need to worry. The Lord can see everything and we can only see a little bit, trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Ashley! I just want to let you know that I have a very similar persepective on the dating trends and have for awhile. Sometimes it just makes you angry. The world should just realize that they need to teach their children to be well mannered and plan things out! I was taught to be that way and I know there has to be young men out there that were also taught that. Like you said, we must trust in the Lord so that he can direct us.
